Welcome to Panthers Class


Year 5 and 6 are part of Panthers Class.

Our class teacher is Miss Lightfoot  and Mrs Horner is our teaching assistant. 

We love learning and take genuine pride in our work - doing our very best in all the work that we do! Keep up to date with what we are doing on our class blog. We send out regular updates to parents via Class Dojo where we also post photographs and class news.


Our Curriculum

In order to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum, we have worked hard to design a 2 year rolling programme while also choosing topics to meet the needs of our school.  

Panthers Class

Updated: 18/07/2023 24 KB



Homework is given out on a Friday and needs to be completed by the following Friday via Ed Shed. Topic homework will be set throughout the year for children to celebrate their many talents and showcase their learning in different ways. 

The children's homework that is set on Ed Shed will be based around current Maths topics and spelling practice as we believe these are key skills.  Please feel free to come and ask for help during any point of the week if you are finding anything tricky. Throughout the year, Year 6 are given homework books to practise specific skills linked to SATs.



Reading homework. We want all children in Panthers Class to continue to read regularly at home. For many of the older children this will involve children reading quietly to themselves and then discussing what they have read with an adult. We request that parents please sign their children's reading record at least 3-4 times a week to confirm that their child has been reading and to bring the reading record in daily so that it can be checked. 


Important Information

P.E-    We have our P.E. lessons on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Please make sure your child always brings their trainers and kit. 

Forest Schools-   We have our time in the Forest School area on Fridays. Please remember warm clothing, waterproofs and wellies, as we will go outside whatever the weather!