We were last inspected in September 2023. 

Ofsted found us to be a good school overall and said that the school's work to promote the pupils'  'Personal Development, behaviour and welfare' is OUTSTANDING.   


Please click here to read the full report.


These are some of the things that the inspector said about our school.


 “The school's work to promote pupils' well-being is outstanding.                                                                                                                                                   Pupils feel very safe in school.”


                                     “Good provision in the early years gets children off to a good start.  Children settle quickly and develop into inquisitive, thoughtful learners who make good progress.”


“Teachers' enthusiasm for their work shines through in their teaching.  They motivate pupils and spur them on to try very hard and do their best.”


“The behaviour of pupils is OUTSTANDING.”


“Pupils leave this happy, successful school as mature youngsters, well-prepared for the next stage of education.”


“Teaching is consistently good in all three classes.  Skillful planning and good support for learning ensure work is relevant for pupils of all ages, abilities and backgrounds. Consequently, all pupils make good progress.”


"The curriculum is planned well, with many memorable experiences for the pupils."


"Strong support for reading is helping pupils' learning in all subjects."