Generic items of school uniform are perfectlyillow Farm Embroidery via their website

There is also a 'Pre-loved Uniform' rail in the school entrance where you can find uniform items that are not new but in very good condition and considerably cheaper than brand new uniform. Please choose your items and pay a donation at the school office.


Essential uniform to be worn by all children

Boys      dark grey trousers

               pale blue polo shirt

               royal blue sweatshirt with/without school logo

               black or grey socks

               black school shoes (not trainer types or boots)


Girls      dark grey skirt, pinafore or trousers

              pale  blue polo shirt

              royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan with/without school logo

              white or grey socks or tights

              black flat heeled shoes (not trainer types or boots)


PE Kit  royal blue t-shirt with/without school logo

             black or navy shorts

            a tracksuit may be worn for outdoor PE in the winter

            trainers  for outdoor PE

Optional items

Royal blue fleeces with the school badge are available to buy and may be worn instead of a jumper or cardigan.


Hairstyles must be moderate, extreme hairstyles are not permitted for school. Hair should not be shaved, have lines in or be coloured for school.  Long hair must be tied back with bobbles, hairbands and clips that are suitable for school.  

Jewellery should not be worn at school. This is for the safety of all children as well as to prevent the loss of valuable items. The only exception is if a child has pierced ears. In this instance, small flat studs may be worn but the child must be able to remove them themselves for PE. School will accept no responsibility for loss of jewellery worn to school.

If you are planning to have your child’s ears pierced please try to do so at the beginning of the summer holidays to avoid your child having to miss out on six weeks of PE. This is an important part of the curriculum.

Please can parents ensure their child has the correct PE kit in school at all times, with each item named.  For reasons of hygiene and safety children will be unable to take part in the lesson if they have no PE kit.   If a child is unable to take part in the physical part of the PE lesson, they will still carry out an activity based on the lesson objective.