16 Oct

Winmarleigh 2024

Panthers class had an amazing time on their outdoor residential at PGL Winmarleigh. They developed many skills including those of resilience, communication, cooperation and problem-solving. During our few days of activities, we undertook many activities such as raft-building, laser tag, climbing,…

16 Oct


In Science this term we have been learning about forces. During our learning, we have conducted some investigations on gravity, air resistance, friction and water resistance. We have learnt about variables involved in making sure that a test is fair. Once our results have been collected, we have…

11 Oct

Forest School

In the Autumn term, we have been learning more about the Ancient Greeks during our Forest School sessions. We have used nature to represent objects related to the Ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses. Alongside this, we have learnt about the Greek alphabet and used natural materials to create the…