Children's Mental Health Week
As part of Children's Mental Health Week, we dressed up to help raise money for the charity 'Place2Be'. The day was called 'Express yourself day' where the children could come dressed in their favourite outfit or an outfit that expressed their interests. We loved learning more about each other and…
We have been learning about Kenya this term. We decided to create a traditional Kenyan dish called 'Kenyan Beef stew'. We learnt how to chop, season and peel food.

Spring 1 2025
Spring 1
We have had so much fun this term! Take a look at some of the things we got up to:
Bee- Bots
We have loved learning how to use the Bee-Bots. We learnt how to give the Bee-Bots commands, giving it clear instructions in a sequence. We learnt how to program the Bee-Bot to…
Welcome to Lions Class!
Lions Class have been getting to know one another this half term, saying hello to old friends and welcoming new ones. We have been finding out how to look after our classroom and garden, sharing lots of stories together and singing our favourite songs!
During our Computing sessions this term, we were learning to code a micro-bit. We managed to turn the micro-bit into a name label, a step counter, a rock, paper and scissors game and an emotions label. It really developed our knowledge of coding and tested our resilience…

Tigers Class Royal Ballet Society Workshop
Tigers took part in an online workshop from the Royal Ballet Society! We met one of their dancers and a set designer who taught us how to make a model of the trees from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. We learned about making models to scale. The class were fantastic at following directions and…
Outdoor learning
We had lots of fun when we worked as teams to create a obstacle course during our outdoor learning session. Once we had created our courses, we then tested each others out. As an extra challenge, we then had to guide a partner through the course whilst they wore a blindfold. This required us to…
Our Science topic was 'separating materials' and looking at 'reversible and irreversible changes'. When learning about materials that dissolve, we conducted the skittle experiment. We found the results fascinating.

Lock Learners
We had a visit by the company 'Lock Learners'. Using our deduction and perseverance skills, we had to work together to solve clues to crack the locks on the treasure chests. Eventually we all succeeded and found the gold coins.
Forest School Autumn Term Jaguars
We have been having lots of fun outdoors in Forest school this half term!
We have done a sensory walk- including cold water, sand, leaves and flour. We sorted rough and smooth textures which linked to our Science. We painted Kindness rocks during Kindness week.
Winmarleigh 2024
Panthers class had an amazing time on their outdoor residential at PGL Winmarleigh. They developed many skills including those of resilience, communication, cooperation and problem-solving. During our few days of activities, we undertook many activities such as raft-building, laser tag, climbing,…
In Science this term we have been learning about forces. During our learning, we have conducted some investigations on gravity, air resistance, friction and water resistance. We have learnt about variables involved in making sure that a test is fair. Once our results have been collected, we have…