16 Oct

Welcome to Lions Class!

Lions Class have been getting to know one another this half term, saying hello to old friends and welcoming new ones. We have been finding out how to look after our classroom and garden, sharing lots of stories together and singing our favourite songs! 

16 Oct

Forest School Autumn Term Jaguars


We have been having lots of fun outdoors in Forest school this half term! 

We have done a sensory walk- including cold water, sand, leaves and flour. We sorted rough and smooth textures which linked to our Science. We painted Kindness rocks during Kindness week. 

16 Oct

Winmarleigh 2024

Panthers class had an amazing time on their outdoor residential at PGL Winmarleigh. They developed many skills including those of resilience, communication, cooperation and problem-solving. During our few days of activities, we undertook many activities such as raft-building, laser tag, climbing,…

16 Oct


In Science this term we have been learning about forces. During our learning, we have conducted some investigations on gravity, air resistance, friction and water resistance. We have learnt about variables involved in making sure that a test is fair. Once our results have been collected, we have…

11 Oct

Forest School

In the Autumn term, we have been learning more about the Ancient Greeks during our Forest School sessions. We have used nature to represent objects related to the Ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses. Alongside this, we have learnt about the Greek alphabet and used natural materials to create the…

21 Feb

Lions Autumn 2 A

This half term we have been sharing our story about the Little Red Hen. We made some bread and practised our story telling! For Children in Need day we had some spotty, dotty fun. As the weather got colder, we learned about the season of Winter and the changes that happen on nature. Our half term…

9 Feb

Electricity and Niagara Falls

Our Spring 1 Science topic was Electricity. We learnt about the different sources of electricity and sorted appliances into groups depending on whether they are powered by battery, mains electricity or both. We made electric circuits containing bulbs, batteries, wires and switches. We also…

1 Feb

Forest school Panthers


We have been enjoying Forest school this year, learning lots of new skills and using different tools such as a mallet. We enjoying creating art through natural resources and making dens. 

15 Dec


We tried some sprouts and made mixed feelings about them.. so we found ways of making them tasty. We tested them out on staff and our friends to see if we had improved the taste! 

8 Dec

Marvellous Mayans

In Autumn 2, we learnt all about the Mayan Civilisation. We started by looking at Mayan objects that had been dug up by archaeologists. We discussed what these objects might have been used for and by who. We learnt about the main events in the Mayan timeline and acted these out in groups.  We also…

30 Nov

Lions Autumn 1A

A warm welcome back to our children and families! We have been busy this half term, getting to know new friends and learning about our Lions Class rules and routines. We have been working on our Movement Skills to develop our strength and coordination, and our learning has included lots of…

2 Oct

Amazon Art



We learnt all about the animals who live the Amazon. We created collages of these animals and shared out beautiful work with the school.