Rivers Topic Week
This week in Panthers Class, we have been studying rivers. We started by looking at the Water Cycle by making mini terrariums, before looking at the features rivers. We studied the impact of dams and the human geography of rivers, as well as investigating the course of the River Ribble.
For our…
Year 5 fire poems
Year 5 wrote fire poems using charcoal! We gazed into the flames and tried to work out what we could see.
Here are some of our favourites:
Flames leaping up
Like an antelope seeking food,
Sparks popping like a balloon,
Wood melting in the warm cabin
Of orange fire,
Making toys using crumble
Panthers Class have been learning how to program using crumble kits. We had to learn how to put together code, using loops for repetition. Our end of unit project was to create a programmable toy using crumble and we had to use our DT skills for the construction. We had to think about how we could…
Forest school
Panthers Class have been loving our new forest school area! We have been exploring nature, making art that shows the changing seasons and exploring the use of tints and shades. Year 6 have also been learning how to lay and light a fire and some have been able to successfully use a flint and steel!…
Year 6 Computer Programming
Year 6 have been using crumble boards to make programmable cars! They had to build their car, choosing which type of axle to use, and then program it using crumble software. This involved correctly wiring up a motor and lights, and then making sure their code was correct so that every component…
Year 6 Bake Off
Year 6 had a bake off experience in class this week! We did a technical challenge with an unseen recipe and had to follow it carefully to get perfect bakes! The challenge was to make 6 identical lemon cheese cakes with a beautifully piped topping. All did brilliantly, despite some never having…
Holi art
Panthers Class have been learning about Hinduism this half term, and particularly about festivals. We learnt about the festival Holi and have made our own paint splash art inspired by our findings!
Mountains and the Himalayas
Our topic in Panthers Class at the moment is 'Mountains and the Himalayas'. We started off by identifying mountain ranges around the world, before focusing in on the physical and human geography of the Himalayas and Nepal. We looked at the different land use in Nepal and debated the impact of…

Visit to Alston Observatory
Panthers class had a fantastic visit to Alston Observatory, run by the University of Central Lancashire. We got to go in their planetarium and observe the planets and constellations. We also got to talk to the scientists that work there, and have a go with one of their telescopes!